LEATHER NATURALLY, a group of stakeholders in the tanning industry released a promotional video for responsible and sustainable leather production.
November, 11th 2020 the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged: “It is essential that the European Union commits to reducing emissions by at least 55% by 2030.”
At Heusch we asked ourselves: “How can we contribute to achieve this ambitious target?”
After rigorously scrutinizing our production and administrative processes we identified our electric power consumption as the single biggest lever to reduce CO2-emissions. Instead of depending on the energy mix provided by our power supplier (out of renewal and fossil fuels) we wanted to generate our own - 100% renewal - energy by applying state of the art photovoltaic technology.
Today we are happy to announce that all our suitable roof area is covered with photovoltaic cells providing an electrical power of 476 kWp. Now, a substantial portion of our power needs originates from CO2-neutral energy generation.
Just 10 months after we sincerely committed our self to substantial CO2 reduction Heusch delivers on this commitment. It is a beacon to our pledge to sustainable development